Podcast #1 – Michael Johnson interviews Terri Scandura about mentoring relationships and leadership

In this Podcast, Michael Johnson interviews Terri Scandura regarding her body of research on mentoring at work. She discusses the relationship between mentoring and leadership, the effects of gender on mentoring relationships, and how dysfunctional mentoring relationships occur. She finishes by giving recommendations to both mentors and mentees on how to start and maintain a good mentoring relationship.

Michael Johnson is an Assistant Professor in Department of Management and Organization at the University of Washington.

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Terri Scandura

Terri Scandura

“I’ve been in Management training and education for more than 20 years and my passion is bringing the valuable info I’ve amassed directly to you, my readers. My job is bring the cutting edge management education, training and online interaction information together in one easily accessible place. I’d love to hear about your experiences and what you’d like to see. Let's work together to improve the effectiveness of your organization by motivation through leadership!"
Terri Scandura
Terri Scandura