3 Ways to Enhance Personal Learning with Reverse Mentoring


What is Reverse Mentoring? Reverse mentoring is a recent trend that is aimed at enhancing personal learning for both mentors and proteges. Unlike traditional mentoring relationships in which the mentor is a senior, more experienced member of the organization, in reverse mentoring, the mentor is a  junior person who serves as a mentor to the senior person. The goals of this mentoring relationship are to share ... [Continue Reading...]

4 Information Sources for Evidence-Based Leadership & Management (ELM)


The term “evidence-based” was originally employed in the field of Medicine to guide how Doctors make decisions regarding patient care. Evidence-based management improves a leader’s decisions by disciplined application of the most relevant and current scientific evidence. Although many definitions of evidence-based management are available, Briner, Denyer and Rousseau (2009) define it as how leaders can be more effective in all aspects of their jobs including making decisions about employees, ... [Continue Reading...]

Are you in the In-Group or the Out-Group with your Boss?


If you are in the out-group, you know it. Your boss spends more time with others in your work team. They get more challenging assignments and more resources. You may have seen them get higher pay raises and promotions. Your boss just seems to like them more. How and why did this happen? Research over the past 40 years by George Graen and his associates has shown that the differentiation of work groups into "trusted assistants" (the in-group) and "hired hands" (the out-group) follows a ... [Continue Reading...]